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Microsoft Q&A Moderator
A Microsoft Q&A moderator assists with the day-to-day affairs of the community. The effectiveness of moderation directly impacts the quality of the community in general, its usefulness as a Q&A site, and the customer satisfaction rate.
Moderators are also responsible for maintaining the integrity of the site. This includes ensuring that questions and answers are posted with the correct information, helping to protect customer privacy and managing violations of the Code of Conduct.
As product experts, Microsoft Q&A moderators assist customers by answering questions and helping them post better questions and answers.
Moderators are community members who were active moderators in MSDN and TechNet and want to continue on Microsoft Q&A or active community members in Q&A who are making a positive impact. These moderators are part of the Volunteer Moderator Program.
My Microsoft Doc Profile:
Microsoft Wiki Community Council Member
The Community Council is a small group of members from both Microsoft and the Community. The Community Council takes responsibility for the many goals and tasks like;
- Represents the Wiki community members to the community as a whole and to Microsoft.
- Arbitrates disagreements between Wiki members over edits and/or policy change/feature change requests.
- Recommends policy changes.
- Maintains and enforces the Code of Conduct.
- Fosters, incubates, and curates community.
- Collect TNWiki bugs and feature requests, and then represent the community to the Wiki app team.
- Facilitates community and social opportunities, including the Wiki Ninjas blog, the Wiki Ninjas Twitter account, the TechNet Wiki forum, and other social and community projects
- Cross-linking and portal growth and expansion
- Spam, duplicates, pirated content identification and deletion
- Featuring TechNet Wiki articles
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C Sharp Corner MVP
The award is a recognition and is given to members who help grow the community in one or more of the following ways:
- Contribute articles and tutorials with code examples
- Help others by answering forum questions
- Reply to user comments
- Help improve the community by finding problems and providing feedback
- Speaking at user groups and chapter events
- Promoting the community by sharing on social media, with friends, and co-workers
- Becoming a moderator
To recognize our community members, C# Corner has the C# Corner MVP (Most Valuable Professional) Award. C# Corner Award is the recognition a member gets for contributing and helping the community. Currently, there are about 150 C# Corner MVPs among 3 million registered members.
How to become a C# Corner MVP:
My C# Corner Profile:
India Mentor
IndiaMentor is a team of professional who likes to keep updated with technology and interested in sharing their knowledge with us. Everyone is invited to share their knowledge.

My India Mentor Profile:
MVBs are DZone’s “Most Valuable Bloggers.” When a contributor becomes an MVB, they agree to let DZone’s team of content curators consider their blog posts for DZone. All an MVB needs to do is keep publishing awesome content, and our team takes care of the DZone cross-posting for them. MVBs also get “first crack” at upcoming writing opportunities, and we turn to them first when we are producing research content and market research.
My DZone MVB Profile:
Microsoft Tech Community Blog Author
Microsoft Technical Community was established in February 2018 with the vision of “Innovating, Inventing, and Improvising” to educate fellow computer science enthusiasts about various aspects of the technical world.
The Microsoft Tech Community is a place to interact with IT Pros, Developers, and end-users along with Microsoft. The focus of the site was initially on Office 365 but now encompasses Azure, Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS), and many other Microsoft technologies.
My Tech-Community Profile:
Microsoft Community Wiki Ninjas Facebook Group Admins
Microsoft Wiki Ninjas (formerly “Microsoft Wiki Ninjas”) For all Microsoft tech enthusiasts, moderators, and supporters in the forums, tech leaders, and wiki writers.

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